Gap filling, 11

(Suggested answers)

1 You’re late! You __should have been / were supposed to be / ought to have been_here half an hour ago.

2 Even if we had run all the way we still __wouldn’t have been able to _catch the train.

3 ‘Cigarette?’
‘No, thank you. I __stopped smoking / gave up smoking / gave them up__ two years ago’

4 Do you really ___have to go / have to leave__so soon? Can’t you stay just a little bit longer?

5 Sorry everyone. I’m going to have to go to bed. I’m just __not used to / not accustomed to / incapable of__staying up late.

6 My neighbour is __one of the nicest / kindest / most pleasant / most interesting/ most intelligent etc__ people you could ever wish to meet.

7 Don’t park there _or you’ll / or you might / in case you__ get a parking ticket

8 ‘Another cup of coffee?’
‘No, thanks. I _‘ve had / ‘ve drunk _two cups already.’

9 Even if we’d caught a taxi, we still __wouldn’t have got / wouldn’t have arrived_ there in time.

10 The weather was so bad that they decided __not to have / to cancel / they wouldn’t have / to postpone / to call off / to put off_ the barbecue.

11 ‘What __does she do for __a living?’
‘She’s an accountant’

12 I was only eighteen when I started working for Brown & Company. So by June next year I _will have been working_ for them for forty-five years.

13 What’s happened to Jake? I _haven’t seen / haven’t spoken to / haven’t heard a word from _since 1990

14 The holiday was a total disaster. I just wish __I had gone / I’d spent it / we had gone / we had chosen / we had spent it etc_ somewhere else.

15 My wife was staying with her mother in Scotland last weekend, so you __can’t (possibly) /couldn’t (possibly)___ have seen her in London.

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